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A 3D-network integrated disease risk prediction method for SAP.
How to use NIPS to search cancer driver SAPs
NIPS is an integrated method to predict the deleterious singular amino acid change (SAP) in human cancer. We assume that a single amino acid polymorphism (SAP) may have a deleterious effect if: it rarely occurs naturally, based on sequence and evolutionary information; or it inhibits binding between a pair of interacting proteins when it lies at their interface; or the mutant protein plays an important role in a protein-protein interaction network. Thereby we use three scores to evaluate these properties: S-score, I-score and T-score. Finally, a weighted average score is used to integrate these three scores a meta-score. User may search your interested protein. Now it supports Uniprot protein for query only(http://www.uniprot.org/). In the querying results, the known SAPs detected in cancers previously with the meta-score and each individual score will be given in a prioritized list sorting by meta-scores. User also can post a new SAP for the queried protein in the search box.
The Cutoffs: Meta-score: 0.57 S-score: 0.95 I-score: 1 T-score: 0.90