Dr Jing Li's Lab

  Department of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics

  Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Dengying Liu 刘登英

Dept. Bioinformatics and Biostatistics                     

Office: Room 411-B, Ye Jiequan Building
800 Dongchuan Road, Minhang District,
Shanghai, China, 200240

E-mail: liudengy@sjtu.edu.cn     

Wechat: Clair_235


What makes me feel most fulfilled and happy? It is scientific research. I share my research results at academic conferences, and I am very happy when many front-line scholars ask questions. At least what I do can arouse everyone's interest. What is more fulfilling is that you can use your research results to solve the practical problems faced by enterprises. My career ideal is to lead a scientific research team and make a difference both academically and practically.

You can't study for a day, and you can't exercise for a week. As Charlie Munger said, "As long as I have a book in my hand, I won't feel wasting my time." I exercise, too. I think exercise is more ceremonial. I will exercise three times a week, basically running, playing ball and dancing, and occasionally running stairs, skipping rope or doing aerobics. Exercise time is the most relaxing time every day. Reading and exercising are exactly what Chairman Mao likes, "civilizing his spirit and barbarizing his physique".


  • 2018.3-2022.6       Ph.D. student       Ecology (Animal Science and Engineering)    Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
  • 2015.9-2018.3      Master student    Zootechny    Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
  • 2011.9-2015.6    Undergraduate student   Animal Science    Huazhong Agricultural University, China
  • 2008.9-2011.6    High School student                    --              Anyue High School, China

  • Work Experience

  • 2022.7-             Postdoc       Bioinformatics    Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

  • My Favorites

    Music    Sports    Movies    Reading etc.

    ©2012-2023 Jing Li