* Description: Phoslink is an MR-based strategy designed for small-sample cancer datasets, enabling causal inference of phosphosite–protein links using multiple omics data. By integrating both internal and external evidence, Phoslink mitigates the winner's curse and accommodates weak instruments in MR analysis for small-sample multiomics cancer datasets. This approach reduces the false discovery rate while maintaining power comparable to conventional instrumental variable selection methods, such as GWAS-based MR. Phoslink outperforms correlation-based methods, including Pearson and Spearman, by effectively lowering the FDR and providing more robust and stable estimates of phosphoproteomic regulation in cancer research.
* Description: PhosCancer is a comprehensive database for extracting biologically and clinically relevant insights from phosphoproteomics data from the Chinese Human Proteome Project (CNHPP) and the Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC). Currently, PhosCancer encompasses 174,587 unique phosphosites from 14 datasets spanning 12 cancer types. Each phosphosite is linked to detailed annotations across seven categories: (i) Basic Information, (ii) 3D Structure, (iii) Functional Domains, (iv) Upstream Kinases, (v) Associations with Clinical Features, (vi) Relevance with Hallmarks, and (vii) Pan-Cancer View.
* Description: DeepNetBim is a deep learning model for predicting HLA-epitope interaction based on net work analysis by harnessing Binding and immunogenicity information. In DeepNetBim model, both binding intensity of HLA-peptide pairs and potential immunogenicity of epitopes which are capable of eliciting CD8+ T cell responses were considered. In addition, to improve model accuracy, network centrality metrics were extracted through network construction which proved to possess sufficient prediction power in comparison. Extensive tests on independent and benchmark datasets demonstrate that DeepNetBim can significantly outperform other well-known binding prediction tools.
* Description: SAVControl is a software tool for site-level quality control of variant peptide identifications. It first filters variant peptide identifications by transfer FDR control, and then evaluates the reliability of the variant sites by unrestrictive mass shift relocalization and introducing alternative in- terpretations, e.g. modifications. Finally, all identified variant sites are classified into three levels: Level I (reliable), Level II (ambiguous) and Level III (unreliable).
* Description: NIPS is the 3D net- work-integrated risk predictor of somatic SAPs tool, which integrates 3D interface interactions, network topology and information on sequence evolution to determine which mutations identified in cancer genomes are likely to be deleterious.
* Description: The R package SeqMADE was designed for the RNA-seq differential expression analysis pipeline. SeqMADE implements within a well-established generalized linear model framework integrating gene expression into the network module, instead of computing the gene scores and gene set score to achieve biological insights, respectively. Besides, the package also provides the ability to combine and borrow strength across genes that are both up- and down-regulated in one module.
* Description: CanProVar is designed to store and display single amino acid alterations including both germline and somatic variations in the human proteome, especially those related to the genesis or development of human cancer based on the published literatures. Cancer-related variations and conrresponding annotations can be queried through the web-interface using Protein IDs in the Ensembl, IPI, RefSeq, and Uniport/Swiss-Prot databases or gene names and Entrez gene IDs. Fasta files with variation information are also available for download.
* Description: proAP, Protein Allergenicity Prediction, is a web-based application which provides one-stop search for all known allergens and allergen prediction. So far, sequence-based, motif-based and SVM-based allergen prediction approaches were integrated in proAP. User may perform allergen prediction for unknown ones using individual or combined bioinformatic methods. It allows the search of allergens by species as well as by category. Flexible parameter setting and batch prediction were also implemented.